Browns Heifer Grower Mix

Browns Heifer Grower Mix supplies high levels of bypass protein (UDP) and adequate rumen degradable protein (RDP) along with high levels of essential minerals and Bovatec® (coccidiostat) for good bone growth and tissue development, without excessive deposition of body fat (udders).

Young heifers or any young growing cattle need minimum of 16% crude protein and
12 MJ/ME to achieve target growth weights.

This mix is best fed with good quality pasture, silage or hay.

Recommended Feed Rate:
Dairy Heifers – 2-3kg + H / Day
Beef Weaners – 2-3kg + H / Day

Ingredients From:
Wheat, Barley, Lupins, Peas, Maize, Canola Meal, Vitamin & Mineral Premix, Calciprill, Bovatec® & Canola Oil.


Nutrient Analysis Amount (DM Basis)
Crude Protein (Min.) 17%
Metabolisable Energy (min.) 12%
Starch (min) 44%
N.D.F. (min) 17%
Crude Fat (max) 2.2%
Max. Salt 1.5%
Calcium (min) 1.5%
Phosphorus (min) 0.5%